MERRY CHRISTMAS LEE! And a Merry Christmas to you too! WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS? I'm having a cruelty-free Christmas. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE A 'CRUELTY-FREE' CHRISTMAS LEE! That may be true but I'm reducing as much harm as I can and being as cruelty-free as is possible and practicable. What about you? VERY TRADITIONAL. Ah so you'll no doubt be stuffing herbs and spices up the arsehole of a deceased, selectively-bred, baby bird that was hung upside down, dragged head-first through an electrically charged water bath and then had their throat slit? WE'LL BE EATING TURKEY, YES. You'll be eating A turkey. It blows my mind how most self-proclaimed 'meat eaters' insist on cooking a Turkey for Christmas each year in the name of 'tradition' but will only eat it in very specific ways. WHAT DO YOU MEAN? Well you don't like the head to be left on do you? THE HEAD OF THE TURKEY? Yes. NO! Why not? BECAUSE IT'S WEIRD! What and eating a dead body isn't? What about the other bits? Why so picky? What about the giblets? WHAT ARE GIBLETS? Giblets include the bird's liver, gizzard, neck, kidneys and heart. They are often found wrapped in plastic and placed inside the carcass of the dead bird. Most people heave at the sight of the giblets and wouldn't dream of consuming them. The same people scream bloody murder (ironically) if they accidentally cook these giblets whilst they're still inside the corpse. THAT'S BECAUSE THEY'RE GROSS. AND EATING A DEAD BODY ISN'T? NO. You also have to cook the flesh thoroughly don't you? YES. And why is that? BECAUSE WE'LL GET SICK OTHERWISE. Spoken like a true 'omnivore'... Yes, you can get food poisoning. A turkey's flesh and blood can be contaminated with germs that can make you and your family sick. It can contain Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens, Campylobacter, and other germs. OI! YOU'LL PUT ME OFF MY DINNER AT THIS RATE! You mean your dead body? YES. Sorry. Can you do me a favour this year? DEPENDS... Please just take a moment to think about who and what it is you're eating this Christmas. Please consider who it is that's paying for these birds to have their lives unnecessarily taken away from them like this. Please think about where this 'food' comes from. Consider how it gets there, the journey taken and what the animals themselves have to endure to be on your plate for that 15 minute meal. Please contemplate whether the animals themselves would want any of it to happen to them, if they had a choice. Please think of the animals this year. Before you eat their flesh, think of their faces. Before you drink their milk, think of their faces. Before you wear their skin, think of their faces. Before you steal their eggs, think of their faces. Before you pay for any of this to happen, think of their faces. Ask yourself: Is your appetite more important than their suffering?
This Christmas, we can either choose to be cruel or choose to be kind. Being kind is a choice. Please make the right one. You have endless food options to choose from this Christmas. They have one life. Be kind. Go cruelty-free. Go vegan. Lx
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AuthorHello! Lee Brace here! Award-winning comedian, writer, photographer and vegan. CategoriesContact me at [email protected]